Monday, September 1, 2014

My Birthday Weekend!!

It's always nice to have a birthday and a long weekend meet. I had a sweet mom at school bring me a goodie of treats to start my Friday off right. Since it was my first week back at school I took full advantage of not doing anything when I came home. When Tim got home he said he had my birthday gift ready, it was the purse I've wanted since the honeymoon, yeah!!! He did so good on this gift, even though I said 38 times that we just did the floors so I am happy with no gift, glad he didn't listen.

We went to Crush for a yummy brunch and Tim wanted to do some antiquing. I was not a fan of this, the stores smelt of something not good. It's not for everyone, that's all I will say.

We went to dinner with my SIL and her family and Granny to Kabuki, always great food. They were very sneaky and told the waitress it was my birthday and they brought me a brownie and ice cream. On Sunday we went to church and my friend Danielle who was recently diagnosed with MS was there to dedicate baby Reid, she is doing wonderful at walking. God is great, just looking at her and all that has happened it is very evident. I snagged a pic with the girlys from my old school. Miss them dearly.

We had a cook out with Tim's family, they always cook amazing food. Tiffany gave me this great crock-pot cook book, say that 3 times fast, it has so many ideas. Her and I like to do a meal that we can all eat off of together, its nice to have some family time throughout the week, especially during the busy school year so I know this will get her family over.

Tim played some Labor Day golf and I was on Sprinkles duty, we worked out and went for a walk (she loves walks), and I started a water challenge. The goal is to drink 64oz of water a day, I usually do drink water throughout my day  but I am really going to push my self to limit the soda and get more water. 

I have found a new hair product which I love, my hairdresser uses it on me and I decided it's time to invest. 
Bed head, small talk, it smooths out your fro and many other things. It smells super yummy and it's on sale now for 9.99 at Ulta. Check it out!! 

We went to Target for random things and we found this cute little referee shirt for Sprinkles and she's not a huge fan, it has the same effect as the puffy vest, calming. She was awkwardly laying like a baby on Tim. But she really is the sweetest when she is wearing clothes. 

Over all it was a great relaxing weekend of friends and family, now to start another!

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