Monday, October 6, 2014

Weekend Recap

This weekend has been one of many emotions. Tim got home very late Friday from an out of town trip so that messed up our Friday plans. I woke up Saturday to horrible news of a very dear friends stepbrother had died in a car wreck. I know this brother of hers and he was a fun, out going,  spirited guy. My thoughts and prayers are definitely with her and the family. *** This was Ashley and I with Kyle several years ago at a Tech game***

Tim and I have been talking about a new car for a while and yeah it finally happened!! We knew we probably couldn't do brand new off the lot but I was willing to do new-used. I have a 2014 Ford Explorer, oh it is fun with all its gadgets and as Tim calls them "bells and whistles". Let the baby planning begin!

Saturday evening we went to the Casting Crowns concert, they were amazing! We did leave a little early to go visit with some out-of-town family.

Sunday was a normal Sunday, church-lunch-family- and our usual Whataburger for dinner (some families do roast or cookouts for Sunday dinner, not us).

I am ready for this week to get under way and get back to baby shower planning! (for my sis)

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  1. Just catching up on my blogs and hip-hip-hooray for the NEW CAR! I love it. Can't wait to take her shopping ;)

  2. Yes, I love it and the new car smell :) and Tiffany got a new car so we will have to take turns breaking them in with the shopping adventures
