Tuesday, July 1, 2014

July and Honeymoon Bound

As our honeymoon is quickly coming up I have been trying to accomplish some household chores before we head out. I don't know if I'm the only one, but I like coming home to a clean house. So I've worked on the windows and blinds, I helped Tim with the garage a few weekends ago and today I got to venture out in the world of laundromats (it may or not be because of Sprinkles). OK, so a while back a friend talked very highly of going to a laundromat before and it was super great because she got all her laundry done quickly. Well, I only needed to wash our WHITE comforter that had puppy throw up on it. I went in very nervous but the lady that was on duty was very polite and helpful. I got it all washed up and it took FOREVER to dry. But I got it home looking great.

I think Tim got nervous that I went by myself but I am glad I got it taken care of. I think I know what it might feel like to be in the nesting mode, but I'm not!!   

Tim and I rearranged our furniture, we were just testing it out and this is my visitor while I was washing dishes. And YES, I clean the counter often since she has become nosy. 

Yeaterday was my moms birthday and I made dessert. I made strawberry shortcake parfaits in mason jars. I was very proud of myself I made everything from scratch. Here is one recreated for Tim. 

I ran out of berries so we knew he and I would have to share but he didn't get very much. He picked up some berries and ready whip. It doesn't quit look the same but I hope it tastes just as good {hope he doesn't notice it's not in a mason jar}. 

I am excited to share all about our trip and adventures when we return!! 

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  1. Your laundromat looks A LOT cleaner than ours. I've always wanted to take our comforters in because I never feel like they get clean at home. I hear not to go to here because all the carbon workers go there and if you get a washer after them it will turn everything black...eeeek.
    That dessert looks AMAZING. We're gonna miss y'all over the holiday so when you get back - raincheck on the swimming party and you're bringing the dessert ;)
    Have a wonderful HONEYMOON sweetie. xoxo

    1. The lady who worked there was super nice and was even cleaning while I was there for what felt like forever. I was really impressed and it cost a lot cheaper than sending it to the dry cleaners. Yes, I love cooking and testing new recipes so yes, I can for sure do a dessert for the next go around. We are so excited to head out, I keep telling Tim to start pulling clothes out and he isn't too excited to so who knows what he will end up with.
      I will be able to share the highlights at Keeler's party, the big 6!!
      see ya'll soon XXOO
