Sunday, November 24, 2013

Thanksgiving break anyone?

I am gearing up for some time off from work, I think it's needed for many of us hard working teachers. Having 5 days off in a row will be such a blessing!!

Tim and I have gotten all the Christmas lists on my side of the family (which is a lot), now to prepare to buy all the goodies. We are planning on doing some Black Friday shopping, I think he has been making a plan of attack. 

For Thanksgiving we are having it with my soon to be S-I-L Kelley's family and all of Tim's family mixed. So that means a lot of yummy food and chatting. With my mom just having treatment this past Thursday her and my dad might be joining us if she is feeling up to it and everyone is healthy (can't be around ill people). 

Sprinkles is C-R-A-Z-Y!!! She loves to chew hair (mine or Tim's), chew your soft delicate hands, and eat:) Tim thinks she is huge, he describes her as Hercules off of Sandlot, (exaggeration much?)

We bought her a cute Christmas tree outfit and when we got home we realized that she may not be able to wear it for Christmas so here is her debut, isn't she precious?! She hates it and walks funny so this didn't last long.

We had our first snow of the season so we stayed home all day today and enjoyed some Christmas movies and resting. It is nice to catch up on laundry and cleaning the house leisurely. Sprinkles loves the snow, she eats it and then she gets it on her face so she ends up looking like Santa, too cute!

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